feces after beets

If you have indeed eaten beets in the last few days, then most likely the red color is from the beets. If you notice red spots and have not eaten this vegetable or other red foods on this list, it could be blood. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor right away.16 Dec 2019

Why is the feces gray in color?

Fatty feces can be gray in color. The presence of blood in the feces gives the feces a different color depending on the place of bleeding, if in the stomach, then dark brown, almost black. The lower down the intestine the bleeding site is located, the less dark the color and the more red.

What to do if the feces are black?

Confirmation of the presence of occult blood in the feces, turning it black means the need for an urgent visit to the doctor. As a rule, the doctor will prescribe a complete blood count and iron level, as well as routine endoscopic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the stool like in colitis?

In spastic colitis, “sheep’s feces” are often observed, which are small round lumps of dense consistency. Such dense feces contain about 60% water. Changes in the shape of the feces (ribbon-like, pencil-shaped) can depend on both organic stenoses and spastic sphincter constrictions.