When to dig potatoes in 2022?

Favorable days to dig potatoes in August 2022 are August 15-21, August 25, 30 and 31, 2022. These are the dates on the lunar calendar, but of course, you need to take into account when the potatoes were planted and the region of planting. You can dig on other days, except for the prohibited days for planting.

When to dig potatoes in July 2022?

You can also determine by the timing: you need to dig potatoes about 80-100 days after planting .

When are potatoes dug?

7-10 days before the tops begin to turn yellow, tuber growth stops. At this time, the highest starch content in potatoes is achieved, the flesh ripens, and the skin becomes stronger. If you know exactly your potato varieties and the planting date, you can start digging 65-70 days after the start of planting.

When to dig up early potatoes for the winter?

When to dig up early potatoes If your potatoes are of the varieties that ripen in 45-60 days, and you planted them, as tradition dictates, on the first or second May Day, then you can start digging in the second half of June or early July.