when to sow balsam for seedlings

A very popular garden plant with lush and abundant flowering! Sow seeds for seedlings in March-April, and seedlings outdoors in May. Flowering is abundant from June until frost.

When to plant balsam?

Sowing balsam Now is the most suitable time for this – the beginning of March. I will need a container with a loose and light soil mixture, which must be gently moistened with a spray bottle. After that, I spread the balsam seeds evenly over the surface of the substrate and lightly spray the soil surface with water again.

How do I grow balsam?

Balsams are propagated by seeds and cuttings, which are rooted in water or any substrate. For propagation, take a cut cutting or a segment of the stem 5-10 cm long. The lower leaves should be removed and placed in water in a bright, warm place. The roots of the cuttings will appear in 7-10 days.

When does balsam bloom?