Sowing aster for seedlings

The seeds are sown in rows or scattered, covered with a thin layer of soil (1-2 mm), lightly compacted with a plate and carefully watered. The box is covered with a film (glass) and placed in a warm place (temperature +20 degrees). As soon as the shoots appear, the box is placed on the window closer to the light.Jan 18, 2021

How to plant asters from seeds?

Growing asters with seedlings The optimal sowing time in a greenhouse is the second decade of March. Seeds are sown quite rarely (keeping a distance of about 5 mm between seeds), in shallow (3-5 mm) grooves. The sown seeds are sprinkled with earth, the soil is compacted and carefully watered.

How and when to sow asters?

Asters are sown on the window in March – early April. Asters’ seeds are small, sown shallowly, and after sowing, the box is covered with glass. Seedlings will appear in a week or a little later, then the glass is removed, the box is rearranged as close to the light as possible.

When to dive asters?

Diving seedlings As soon as the real leaves of the asters appear, the seedlings are dived.